Oct 2020

 So I set off to make something different as I had a sheet of ply wood left over from some home alterations and some wood from some pallet toppers I got from work. I had the idea after seeing a silhouette of a car in a poster. My intention was to have a silhouette of a scooter from a box but was not really sure what to do, so I just sort of cracked on in the garage, and below is what I came up with.

 I downloaded an image from the internet and drew around the outline on the already cut to size plywood.

 Cut and glue the pieces of the frame together and paint the frame.

 Cut out around the outline with a coping/fret saw, and you end up if careful with a good template for future jobs. Sand down the insides of the cut out to remove splinters and rough edges.

You can see here I have made a compartment in one side for coiling the cable up in and if I was to use a battery pack this would be kept inside. In the background to this picture you can see the lengths of angled wood for the border pre cut.

 Here the clear perspex and the frosted polythene sheet have been fitted along with the LED's for a first test. The backing board had been painted black so the reflected light was poor, this was changed to white. This is the finished item, I have already got ideas on how I can make the next ones better so I have learned from my mistakes.

The LED's have a range of static colours and can also go through them all in a strobe or a fade effect and at under £5 for a strip it is not expensive. My next effort will be much better than this and I will share once complete.

 This is the same as the larger ones but scaled down. Hopefully the missus will allow this one in the house. All braced up for the glue to dry

 Here we go, an X wing fighter for the boy and a lovely mermaid for the girl.

  This is the back of the picture with a sheet of perspex and a frosted A4 paper plastic holder cut to size.This is taped into place

 Complete and ready to gift or sell.

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